The next restocking time is Thursday (6 February 2025). Please place your order online or send us a list by 8 PM on Wednesday.
Please note that on restocking days, the pickup time will be extended until 9 pm. For pickups on other days, an appointment is required in advance.

  • Kirkland Signature Whole Black Peppercorn 399g
  • Kirkland Signature Whole Black Peppercorn 399g-1

Kirkland Signature Whole Black Peppercorn 399g

Item #1282125


$12.10 NZD

$12.10 NZD

Change in Price on Pre-Order items or Out of Stock items.
GST included. Shipping calculated at 'Shopping Cart'.

Product Details

Our whole black peppercorns are hand harvested to ensure selection of the largest berries. The robust, piquant, fruity flavour and superior size are perfect for use in peppermills and encrusting meats with cracked peppercorns.



Kirkland Signature

Country of Origin


Product Weight

0.40 kg

Delivery and Collect

Free Collect from Hamilton office

Usually dispatched within a week

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